Just published Fighting On All Fronts A new book on California Chinese Americans who served in World War II — a salute our Greatest Generation. This book documents the contributions and stories of Chinese in America who served in the field and at home. Author Montgomery (Monty) Hom reveals stories of honor, sacrifice and service that men and women made for a country which did not accept them. At the war’s beginning most Chinese could not immigrate, become citizens or vote and this was reversed at the War’s end. The pages are filled with Monty’s personal collection of original artifacts, letters, maps, photos, posters, and memorabilia.
Monty begins the history of WWII with the invasion of Manchuria, followed by the conflicts in the Pacific and Europe and ends with surrender, peace and finally a Nation’s gratitude with the Congressional Gold Medal Act in 2018. He recounts civilian and military activities in the Pacific, immigrants who were drafted into service days after arrival and the contributions of women serving in the military and at home, as well as unique stories and personal tributes by family members. There is a face to a name, highlights of memories documenting a moment in history and the creation of an historical record for future generations. And on the book’s cover — artist, illustrator, Russell G. Chong breathes life into the photographs of actual veterans who served.
1882-1943: Chinese Exclusion Act Chinese immigrants and their American-born families remained ineligible for citizenship until 1943 with the passage of the Magnuson Act.
1945: War Brides Act 1946 version of this Act extended non-quota status to Chinese spouses.
2018: Chinese American WWII Veteran Congressional Gold Medal Act Bill S.1050 becomes public Law recognizing the commitment and sacrifice of Chinese Americans and who demonstrated a highly uncommon and commendable sense of patriotism and honor in the face of discrimination.
American Legion Posts: Cathay Post 384, San Francisco; Lt. B.R, Kimlau Post 1291, New York
Chinese American GI Project,
San Francisco Chinese Historical Society Of America, San Francisco
San Francisco 91st Division Chinatown Post 4618 Veterans Of Foreign Wars
Order this book from the Chinese Historical Society Of America
Fighting On All Fronts is a project of the Chinese American GI Project
Contact Ron Chan, Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer, Associate Producer, honorourvets.ron@gmail.com
WWII Chinese American G.I. Project, https://chsa.org/wwii-chinese-american-gi