American Women In The War

Library of Congress
Library of Congress


“…we realize, as never before, that there

was no sacrifice however great which was not cheerfully made by the loyal and devoted women of our country. … God bless the mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts of our land who in the hour of trial stood like a rock for the principles of justice, humanity and liberty. The service you gave so cheerfully and willingly; your love; your devotion and your loyalty will be one of the great chapters in California’s history of the world war.”


– Frederick S. Strong Major General, U.S.A.

L-R: Naval History Center, Library of Congress, Library of Congress, San Francisco Presidio Archives, Library of Congress

L-R: Library of Congress, Library of Congress, War Memorial Archives, Library of Congress

Millions of American women struggled with food rationing during the war while working in factories, on farms, and in many traditionally male jobs—replacing men who went into the Army and Navy. Women also served in the military as enlisted personnel, although not in combat, with the first being Navy “Yeomanettes” starting in 1916.

Thousands of women served overseas: as “Hello Girls” telephone operators and translators in France; and near the front as nurses, ambulance drivers, and Salvation Army “Donut Girls.” Hundreds of women were wounded and lost their lives to artillery fire, bombings, poison gas, and disease.

All: Library of Congress




American Women In The War Banner on view in the Veterans Building Lobby




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