The Steep Price Of Freedom
September 28, 10am-4pm
McLaren Conference Center, USF
$25 Adults
* Free Students/Teachers, USF Faculity
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The Liberation of the Philippines—The Steep Price of Freedom 5th Conference on WWII features speakers include Award-Winning Authors James Hornfischer & Walter Borneman, Professor Bernard Karganilla & Professor Jose Custodio (Univ. of the Philippines) and Professor Mark Hull of the US Army Command & General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth. Keynote speaker: Admiral William Fallon, USN (Ret.), Chair of the Naval Historical Foundation and former Commander of U.S. Central Command and U.S. Pacific Command. Conference Chair for 2019 is Maj. General Eldon Regua, USA (Ret.), former Deputy Commander of the U.S. 8th Army.
Topics will include:
- Role of Filipino & American Guerrillas before and during the Liberation
- Leyte Landing
- Battle of Leyte Gulf
- Zonification & War Crimes
*Free with Registration & ID: Students, Grade 11 History Teachers & USF Faculty
Free). or
Adult Registration with boxed lunch & free Parking (First Come, First Served).
Presented by the Bataan Legacy Historical Society
- Cecilia Gaerlin email
- mgravador@dons.usfca/ (students)
- 510 520-8540
Bataan Legacy Historical Society, Memorare Manila 1945, University of San Francisco